Triple-digit calendar dates are Gregorian calendar numerological points in time that began on the first month of 2001 and will end on the 12th month of 2012. The rare dates, 1/1/1 through 12/12/12, correspond to the twelve months of the year and
the twelve astrological signs. As we approach 2012, the dates have become energetic focal points for people to come together.
While most people outside the metaphysical communities have no awareness of the meaning of the dates, the three digits are energetic trigger-points that cause us to focus on the date as a time of personal and planetary healing. United in thought and intention with people all over the world, these dates can accelerate catalytic changes in us and serve as point-in-time frequency markers. When we hold a noble intention on these days, it gives us an opportunity to check on our state of consciousness, and to recalibrate ourselves as we prepare for the end times of the Mayan Long Count calendar.
Since the start of the 21st century, we've seen much more activity as groups come together to hold gatherings in recognition of the triune dates. Many have traveled to Egypt, Peru, or Mayan lands to participate in sacred rituals or ceremonies organized by the native peoples on 7/7/7, 8/8/8 and 9/9/9. Others developed or synchronized local events that united their efforts with those in far-away places. As the decade has proceeded and we've come closer to the Year Zero end-date of the Mayan Long Count calendar, the events have become even more common.
While the Gregorian calendar is not aligned with the Mayan Calendar per se, there's
general consensus that something unique is happening at this time on earth and we need to step up our intentions of purpose and good-will. Global communications via the internet or television show us daily how old systems and ways of thinking are collapsing. New scientific telescopes trained on the solar system and the galaxies dissolve old beliefs and enlighten us with information about the origin of the universe and our place in it. If nothing else the new findings stir great debate about our cosmology.
Yet other changes are also underway, though perhaps not as evident. Instead of waiting for religious or governmental leaders to lead the way, the people themselves are responding to the changes or directing that which they want to see. They are engaging in local projects of self-reliance while still caring or looking out for their neighbors. There's a sense that we're all in this together and only by joining with like-minded resolve can we address and endure the changes that are affecting us.

While most people outside the metaphysical communities have no awareness of the meaning of the dates, the three digits are energetic trigger-points that cause us to focus on the date as a time of personal and planetary healing. United in thought and intention with people all over the world, these dates can accelerate catalytic changes in us and serve as point-in-time frequency markers. When we hold a noble intention on these days, it gives us an opportunity to check on our state of consciousness, and to recalibrate ourselves as we prepare for the end times of the Mayan Long Count calendar.
Since the start of the 21st century, we've seen much more activity as groups come together to hold gatherings in recognition of the triune dates. Many have traveled to Egypt, Peru, or Mayan lands to participate in sacred rituals or ceremonies organized by the native peoples on 7/7/7, 8/8/8 and 9/9/9. Others developed or synchronized local events that united their efforts with those in far-away places. As the decade has proceeded and we've come closer to the Year Zero end-date of the Mayan Long Count calendar, the events have become even more common.
While the Gregorian calendar is not aligned with the Mayan Calendar per se, there's

Yet other changes are also underway, though perhaps not as evident. Instead of waiting for religious or governmental leaders to lead the way, the people themselves are responding to the changes or directing that which they want to see. They are engaging in local projects of self-reliance while still caring or looking out for their neighbors. There's a sense that we're all in this together and only by joining with like-minded resolve can we address and endure the changes that are affecting us.
While it was always common to celebrate seasonal changes like the equinoxes and solstices the annual triune dates have become beacons of hope to help awaken humanity. This month we celebrate a rare triple-digit calendar date that happens once a millennium. It is the 10th day of the 10th month of the 10th year.On 10.10.10 we are summoned to hold sacred space. On 10.10.10 we calm
ourselves from the chaotic mind. On 10.10.10 we invoke the guidance of self-mastery. On 10.10.10, we join in ceremony with others who are also called to hold the time sacred. On 10.10.10 we rise above our limitations and affirm that we are much more than we have ever been. On 10.10.10 we open our hearts in loving compassion, for our own self-healing and for that of the planet.

But there's more than this happening on 10.10.10. The date, unique as it is, serves as a catalyst to remind us that not only this date but any date, can be proclaimed sacred. Any day that calls us together in harmony creates a vibration of unity. Any day that opens boundlessness in thought lights up an energetic field. Any day that allows us to live in the heart, begins our awakening. Any day that reduces tension and dissolves separation between people is a fine day. On 10.10.10 we are reminded that humanity can indeed achieve illumination by living in the heart and holding sacred every day.
Jo - September 2010