Two weeks after anchoring the Prism of Light reports continue to come in from many sources who wrote about their experiences and how they've been changed since our gathering. And, if we wanted any further
confirmation of the work we did, a Crop Circle shaped like a Diamond Prism with a Circle (portal) in the center appeared on June 30th in the wheat fields of Wiltshire UK. This Crop Circle has the faceted grid lines within a similarly shaped diamond prism. When I contacted Steve Alexander of Temporary Temples (a Crop Circle Research Group in the UK) he said, "Perhaps you all instigated the appearance of this formation!" See the crop circle and the many messages, including one from delightful 7-year old Emma Rose, that have come forth in Starsoundings Journals below.
Messages Through The Prism
Two weeks ago, on the Summer Solstice, a Vision was placed in the atmosphere that our dreams of new cities of light, love, and peace for all people on earth, would be realized. Now, two weeks after the Prism of Light was ignited across our area, the heart-felt experiences and stories continue. Many speak about how they've changed or that they feel completely different. The outpouring of affection and messages has been humbling. Thank you all for writing or calling. Thank you all for lighting the magnificent Prisms inside each one of us.
There's been an incredible validation of the work we did on June 20th. At 1 pm EST on June 30th, at the
same time I was being interviewed about the Prism & Portal of Light, a crop circle appeared in the wheat fields of Whiltshire, UK. Why is this crop circle so unique? Because it was a Diamond Prism with faceted grid lines along its length with a portal circular opening in the center. During our diamond Prism of Light activation, a Circular Portal in the center of the Prism was held open for 24 minutes. This Portal allowed the light-energy to pour into the Prism and illuminate the fields we anchored. And now the Crop Circle has appeared 10 days later. Absolutely amazing!
Now I'd like to share some of your experiences on the journey:
At the evening Solstice ceremony on June 20th, 250 of us joined with the 23 members of the Abrahamic Reunion, who were on the ground in the Middle East,
holding a Portal of Light open for the New Jerusalem to emerge. During last Tuesday night's spiritual lesson, Shahabuddin, spiritual leader of Rising Tide, talked about his upcoming peace trip to Israel and Jerusalem. He said, "The building of the third Temple is the most important. It is not physical. It is not real estate. It is not owned by governments. The Third Temple will be built by each one of us through the consciousness of love. We will put in whatever we can and the energy will coalesce from the human heart. There will be a profound change for we are at the point of a great shift in consciousness. We are beings who have great power. We are the ones who will love regardless of what we see. We do good because we can! This is our potential and this is the us we are becoming."
Emma Rose who celebrates her 7th birthday this week, was one of the attuned children who assisted in the ceremony of the Despacho. Emma sent an email through her mom, Theresa Rose who said this was a direct quote from Emma. "I was happy to be a part of it. I really enjoy doing spiritual work. At the ceremony, I felt power running through my chakras, and felt like a very strong person inside. I had this great experience of the full moon and the stars, and I had a good time with the despacho." When Emma was a small child her father Michael, while playing crystal bowls heard sounds coming from Emma's room. In her sleep, Emma was chanting in tone with the bowls.
Her mom Theresa Rose wrote, "On a personal note, it was one of the most profound experiences I have ever had to witness my angel being a part of that spiritual ceremony. She has participated in spiritual practice many times before, and I am certain she'll be leading ceremonies herself as she gets older. Thank you, Jo, for the gift. I am so grateful." Watch this space for more news on this remarkable, spiritually-gifted crystal child. She's a treasure.
Paula Knudsen, who was in Los Angeles for a conference on the day of the
Solstice said, "There were 333 people praying at 9 am in Los Angeles for the crystal anchoring which coincided with our noon EST Prism. Guest speaker Barbara Marx Hubbard was on stage talking about feeling like a planetary midwife." Paula continued, "We are all one! whatever one does or thinks wherever they are, the rest of the world gets it! There is nothing that is not attatched to the ONENESS of the Universe. When one holds a thought with others then the world gets the thought! Imagine Peace!"
Psychic healer and meditation leader Jennifer Smith shared, "My heart has been so open these last few days. I know it has alot to do with the shifts taking place. The magnitude of it all didn't hit me until about 2 weeks ago. Wow!"
Joanne Driscoll said, "What a mystical experience. I feel like a new Being. I AM a new Being truly filled with more love, light and joy than I could have ever imagined. I know thousands of people have been affected by the ripple effect of Friday."
Patti Star felt, "Friday was a gateway, for us and the planet. These moments
have been laid out for over a millennium with the message: Stay focused in the heart, focused on the Love and Peace that exists within the heart at all times. Do not be caught up in the distractions of what happens, or how it is communicated, reported and/or experienced. This cleansing is the next step. The work now is in the individual heart. Help those, who are willing to help themselves. Your focus from the heart will resonate and will uplift them. Some will choose not to help themselves. We bless them and move on. We are not here to 'save' people, we are here to Love."
A few months ago, in preparing for the Light Anchoring across the world, some dedicated Lightworkers went to Washington D.C. with one intent only - to hold the city of Washington in light. Judi Cannon traveled to Washington D.C. on Saturday after our ceremony. She wrote, "I had an amazing meditation at the
Unity labyrinth at noon. Yesterday, when I rode up the long escalator from the Metro on Capitol Hill, I could see a Crystal City, here in D.C. Whoever is light-working here is doing a GREAT job! This morning at Unity on The Hill, I became aware and present to a huge crystal straight through the center of the Capitol building. I was guided to anchor it and the crystal city into the center of Earth. I know all our work is an ongoing process. Like feeding something precious, our consciousness will become present to this presence of crystal cities and the light grid."
Gail Dinoia wrote, "I was greatly impressed by the solstice ceremony. Unity church is so blessed to have our labyrinth so spiritually charged. We are planning a dedication ceremony for it next month, but in my opinion, nothing can top the dedication it already received by the group on June 20th." Reverend Carole Griffin, interim minister at Unity of Sarasota, called the events, "A magnificent demonstration of Universality." We are grateful to Unity for allowing us ongoing use of this beautiful labyrinth. We are all honored to be custodians and caretakers of it with the Unity community.
Caroline Pagan wrote to Reverend Zan saying, "Our baby Luca Muolo was born on Friday night, June 20th at 10:51 pm after 20 hours of labor. He is healthy and I'm glad to be a mommy who is now moving on to the future with my summer solstice baby." Congratulations to Caroline, Adriano and welcome to the crystal city of light, little Luca.
Reverend Sharon Elizabeth James who anchored the Prism at the Healing Garden of Shrine of the Master said, "My visible and invisible senses were
intensified - I've been walking around with this energy of deep and abiding love where I have had people go out of their way to help me, assist me, do nice things for me. Total strangers come to me and say let's be friends. I had to keep pinching myself. Everything looks different - I saw a lavender orb in my pot as I was cooking. In the sky I could see the finest delineation of hues of color in the most subtle clouds. I saw color in the space around me. I've felt like I've been walking in two worlds if not three at the same time. I was flowing on a wave of love up where all things support me and go my way. I love it!!!"
Ian Bowling, one of the children in the circle at the Solstice spoke with his mother Michele about the event. Michele shared this on Ian's behalf, "We meditated on the 21st at noon and later that day he said he realized how lucky he was. He said he had often thought of what he didn't have compared to other kids and now he felt how lucky he was! He was quite moved and said he just saw things differently and asked me if it was because of the solstice meditation and I told him I believed it was."
We've all experienced something powerful and profound. We continue to feel the changes accelerating and we're looking forward to the next part. Will there be a next part? Absolutely Yes! Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 21st which is not only the Autumnal Equinox but also International World Peace Day. On that day we will dedicate Peace Poles in a Sacred Ceremony with the children, at Unity's Labyrinth. For the Vision continues and we have not only embraced it, but it has become part of us.
Blessings to all,
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