The Triumph of Hope
The 2008 election was a defining moment in history. It was more than a campaign

The torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans. It will be led by the 44th President - an African-American - who will be inaugurated in 2009 which is an auspicious Master Number 11 year. The Master Number 11 means revelation and inspiration from the Higher Planes. It is the vibration of brotherly love on a grander scale. It is the number of the Diplomat and Peacemaker. The number 11 needs the number 4 to ground it. In this case the 44th President of the United States is doubly grounded - by structure and order and by the angelic realm.
Two weeks later, we continue to feel the uplifting joy of change. Your words flooded my inbox. You shared your joys and tears, your fears and your dreams. Here's what you said:
I tiptoed into my 6 and 8 year old's room at 1 a.m. and whispered the good news, that they could now sleep safely and soundly in a new world. Margaret

As the mother of two, bi-racial children I smiled proudly as I listened to the eloquence of President Obama's speech. My husband and I decided to wake our seven year old son and four year old daughter to share in this momentous and historical evening. As we huddled together in our bedroom my daughter turned to me and said 'look mommy he's brown like me.' I knew America would be forever different. And then I wept. Mina
I remembered myself as a young girl in 1960 touching the hand of John F.

For the first time in my life I feel I've been a part of something far greater than myself. I have such on overwhelming feeling of gratitude that we are all empowered and able to bring about positive change. I woke this morning with a feeling of anticipation and expectation. I'm ready to stand tall, put my shoulder to the wheel and work. I feel so blessed to have been a part of this history making event. We've only just begun the ride of our lives! Toni
Sometimes, it's a photo that conveys the story. Sitting on the floor of a church
in Harlem, is a mother and daughter. The mother, Latrice Barnes, having heard of Obama's victory, is doubled up in tears; her daughter, Jasmine, is reaching a tentative hand up to soothe her. The hand of the future reaches out to heal the tears of the past.
Sometimes, it's a photo that conveys the story. Sitting on the floor of a church

I will remember this day forever. I am praying for him. I am Hopeful. I'm proud that I participated in giving him the opportunity to make a difference. When he said, "For those of you whose votes I have not earned" he was so respectful. Tears of joy fell as I witnessed a new beginning for future generations. Linda W.
Eyes tear, the heart opens and Divine love flows through those of us touched by the enormous significance of this black/white man of superior intelligence,

Harriet Tubman crawled, so that Rosa Parks could walk, so that Martin Luther King, Jr. could march, so that Barack Obama could run, so that those little black
toddlers I saw at Obama's speech rally last week - and all children like them - can fly! May the Obama family remain safe, and may Barack Obama not only be the bright light that unites our country, but also one that takes part in uniting our world. Barbara G.
Barack Obama's win was not just for America. It affects the entire world. It says many things to our planet. We are all One - all of us, together. Our planet's collective heart beats stronger this day as the sun rises to shine on our collective hope. We have been blessed. Eileen J
I knew all of my grandfather's stories about the marches in Selma. My father told me I could be anything or do anything that I wanted because I lived in the United States. I never really believed it. Tonight, with this election, I finally believe it! Enrique
Every one of my Korean students had been asking all day 'who was the new president?' On November 5th I wrote on the board in a Seoul Korea classroom, Obama Is The New President of the United States. You would not believe the rejoicing and screams that came out of those Middle schoolers. They jumped, cheered and carried on. I was automatically elevated to the highest vibration of love and comprehension beyond boundaries. Vanda - Seoul, Korea
The night before his assassination in Memphis, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. said "I

Every day, all over the world, groups gather individually or together to hold prayers for peace. In our area, we have several groups of twelve who use this mnemonic 68/12 - Start your own group or join us in "no time - no space" for 68 seconds of prayer at any time of the day for this man, this country, this planet and for all of us!
Hopeful days and endless blessings,
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