Heart-Centered Focus
In last month's Journal we explored Gregg Braden's Fractal Time and were

introduced to the
Global Coherence Initiative. This groundbreaking scientific work seeks to unite millions of people in heart-focused care and intention called "heart resonance." It was launched by the Institute of HeartMath, a non-profit global leader that researches emotional physiology and heart-brain interactions. While all this may sound like scientific psycho-babble, be assured its based on scientific knowledge of the electromagnetic fields that surround us and on practical applications that each of us can use and benefit from in our daily lives.
Science has already shown that a few weeks before volcanic or seismic activity, the earth's electromagnetic field changes. Scientists are now exploring how the fields generated by all living things interact with one another. For example, the earth and the ionosphere generate frequencies in the same range as a human heart and brain. This research shows that changes in the earth's magnetic field are associated with changes in brain and nervous system activity and affect the rhythms of the heart more strongly than all the physiological functions studied so far. There's evidence to suggest that in some cases, brainwaves can synchronize with the rhythm of the electromagnetic waves generated in the earth's ionosphere. When people say they "feel" an impending earthquake or weather changes, it's possible that they may be reacting to the actual physical signals that occur in the earth's field prior to the event.

Can the reverse be true? Can human emotion affect the electromagnetic field?
Global Coherence Initiative researchers theorize that when large numbers of humans respond to a global event with a common emotional feeling, the collective response can affect the activity in the earth's field both positively and negatively. Research at the Institute of HeartMath, shows that emotions not only create coherence or incoherence in our bodies, but, like radio waves, also radiate outward and are detected by the nervous systems of others in our environment. Princeton University researchers have provided convincing evidence that human consciousness and emotion create or interact with a global field. The electromagnetic measurements had wide spikes above normal during the terrorists attacks on 9/11. More intriguing was the fact that the random number generators were significantly affected some four to five hours prior to the attack, suggesting perhaps a worldwide collective intuition about the impending event. Two NOAA weather satellites also displayed significant spikes during the 9/11 attack.

We have evidence much closer to home. Last month on Valentine's day, over 50 people came together with people all over the world to chant AH, the Universal sigh of appreciation at noon. In synchronized harmony at Unity's Labyrinth, we chanted for peace on earth.

Jonathan Goldman who originated World Sound Healing Day, sent out a graph (copy on right) of the Princeton Global Consciousness Project which shows the heart resonance of the chant (in red) during the time of the worldwide meditation and chanting.
So how does this apply to me? Meditations, prayers, affirmations and intentions can and do affect the world. Researchers suggest that these activities have more transformative and lasting impact when heart coherence is added to the process. Heart coherence is a distinct mode of synchronized feelings associated with sustained positive emotion. It is a state of energetic alignment and cooperation between heart, mind, body and spirit. In coherence, energy is accumulated, not wasted, leaving you more energy to manifest intention and harmonious outcomes.

Adding heart coherence to meditation, prayer and intention practices is an important aspect of the Global Coherence Initiative. It adds order and increased effectiveness to whatever form of practice you are doing. You can learn more about the fields of energy and track your own personal resonance by joining the
Global Coherence Initiative. You'll be guided on where to focus your heart energy with others all over the world. Membership in this worldwide community is free. Tools and tracking information are provided on the website so that you can monitor and learn more about this effort.
Together, we will change the resonance of humanity and change the energetic field around the earth, bringing about the shift into the new age.
Heart blessings to all,
Jo - March 16, 2009
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