~ Starsoundings Journals ~
Tibetan Quartz & Atlantean Crystals
A bag of crystals was left at my front door a few days after the Prism of Light was activated. There was a note attached from Edith Cheitman telling me about the Tibetan crystals inside and asking that each Prism Anchor be gifted with one of them. From that initial encounter and through subsequent conversations with Edith who has a collection of these crystals, I learned much about the "new" crystals.Tibetan Quartz & Atlantean Crystals

My own experiences while wearing or holding the crystals has been notable.

Thank you Edith for introducing us to these powerful energetic crystals and bringing them to our attention. If you're interested in finding out more about the Tibetan Crystals or wish to see, experience or acquire one to wear or carry around you may contact Edith directly at fabams@msn.com.

The Atlantean Crystals from Arkansas also came to awareness just before the Solstice on June 20th. I was already familiar with the 6-sided Great Crystal of Atlantis from one of Edgar Cayce's remarkable readings where he described its use by that civilization as concentrating incoming rays of solar, lunar, atmospheric and Earth energy in order to power the country. According to Cayce's reading 2072-10, the Great Crystal was called the Tuaoi Stone. "It was in the form of a six-sided figure, in which the light appeared as the means of communication between infinity and the finite."
The Atlanteans used the Grid System of the earth with the power of the large crystals which were placed all over the earth to transmit energy from pyramid to pyramid across the country. The crystals were used for spiritual means at first, later for physical body rejuvenation. According to Cayce the Great Crystal and others like it now lie deep down beneath the waves in the Bermuda Triangle, the Gulf and other ocean waters as well as deep in the earth. He predicted that Atlantis would rise off the coast of Florida in 1968. In fact a half mile of large rectangular limestone rocks did appear off Bimini that same year. Geologists continue to explore the formations with conclusions ranging from natural formations to "certainly man-made."
Arkansas is known as "one of the world's best crystal areas." The ancient

During the work with the Prism I learned about one of the other crystal cities, said to be near Hot Springs - Mt. Ida in Arkansas. While attending a Kryon session in New England in 2001, a world-traveling spiritually oriented geologist heard Kryon's message that "evidence of Atlantis exists in Arkansas." The statement had a profound effect on him. While on a walkabout in the Ouachita mountains he received a vision that beneath the central area of Arkansas were large beds of

The vision continued that "a portal was forming over Arkansas which was a function of the Light Grid. The portal was in essence a white hole, or Stargate which charges energy inward from higher dimensions into the earth-plane. The portal will feed coded light energy into the awakened crystals and the crystals will in turn outflow the energy to be distributed by the vortex engine." This certainly sounds like the manner in which the Atlantean Crystals were used before the final destruction. His words about portals forming and anchors in place echo the Prism of Light in Sarasota. No coincidence that other "crystal cities" are becoming known to us.
That's the story about the "new" Tibetan and Atlantean crystals that have come to light since the Prism. As the weeks and months go by we're sure to uncover more serendipitous research and news about the other cities of light.
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