~ Starsoundings Journals ~
The New Normal - The easy stuff: 1) The phone rings as you're thinking about a friend. As you reach for the phone you notice the digital clock says the time is
3:33. On the line is the friend you were thinking about. Before you can say "Hello" she announces herself by saying, "Would you believe my clock says it's 3:33 and I felt I should call you?" 2) You're driving into the parking lot of a busy shopping center on a Saturday. You affirm a parking spot will be available in front of the store that you need to run into quickly. Your passenger laughs, saying, "No way! Look at the lines of cars trying to get into the parking lot." You drive to the aisle in front of your intended store just as a car is backing out of the closest parking spot to the store. 3) You've admired many photos on Google Images of big orange moons. You state the intention to have your own photo of a big orange moon. Twenty-four hours later, on the morning of the vernal equinox you arise to see an enormous moon suspended over the lake outside your home. It's not silver; it's not white or yellow. It's brilliant orange.
The New Normal - The interesting stuff: 1) You awaken from a vivid dream of a turtle with the number 22 in white on its back. It's floating down a river then
begins eating twelve leaves of the Tree of Life on the banks of the river. The digital clock reads 2:22. You go to a class the same morning where the lesson is about the New Earth. The instructor reads Revelations Chapter 21 about the New Earth, then moves to Chapter 22:2 - the angel showed me a river with the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. It flowed down the center of the main street. On each side of the river grew a tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit,with a fresh crop each month. The leaves were used for medicine to heal the nations. The turtle is the Native American symbol for Earth. The number 22 is a master number of the spiritual manifester.
2) In preparing for the Peace Pole Ceremony on the Equinox, I wanted to locate the four children who'd participated in the Solstice Prism on June 20th. I only knew the first names of the children but knew the intention to locate them had been set. Within 24 hours while walking into Isle of Avalon there was the first child with her mother. In 48 hours the second and third child had been found but I felt the fourth young girl would be the most difficult to find. Finally putting the request to find her out into the vibrational stream of the Universe I went about my normal day. That evening while attending the Anchoring Light meditation group, there staring back at me was the last of the four children. Akaysiiyah just happened to be attending the meditation with her mother. All four children had been found within days of one another.
3) While on retreat I was walking across a garden lawn feeling in complete harmony and connection with the plants, the kudzu vines, the tall canopy trees, and the water flowing past in the creek. I stopped as though suspended in time. In that precise moment, a feeling, not a thought, but the full presence and feeling of "black snake" entered my consciousness. Looking down a four foot black snake looked up at me staring for a full two to three seconds. Time stopped as we looked at each other separated by no more than three feet. There was no fear from either of us towards the other. We simply acknowledged one another and then went on with our respective journeys. It slowly slithered away towards the kudzu vines while I continued my leisurely stroll. The snake is the symbol of transmutation holding the knowledge that all are equal in creation and form united as one in the Divine flowing current.
The New Normal - The amazing stuff: Last month Patricia and I had a discussion about the
the I Am presence, and about the signs and messages that often come in dreams or seemingly by coincidence. Patricia reflected that doubt or uncertainty often creeps into her consciousness when the signs or messages come. After some discussion, I offered an affirmation to "Give her a sign that can be clearly understood!" Going one step further, Patricia affirmed, "Yes and put it in writing!" About 48 hours later we went into our usual 6 a.m. early-morning meditation. As the meditation ended I noticed what looked like a slowly appearing red "tattoo" on her leg. It grew darker in color as we both stared at it. Within minutes the block lettering was clear. In 3 rows of letters it said UR Lite IR. There was a reversed Dalet the Hebrew letter for Doorway or Portal in blue below the block letters. A few days later the story was related to friends as we had lunch together, all of them seeing and verifying the markings. The message UR Lite IR remained visible on her leg for over a week. It's message was not only "in writing" but it was also "clearly understood" as it related to some studies and research she'd been doing on the Chaldeans and the Valley of UR, the luminescense of Light, and the I Am.
In another amazing story a woman named Mary was one of two employees working the graveyard shift in a large warehouse store. It was a hot, humid August night around 3 a.m. when two men in hooded sweatshirts came into the store. Sensing danger, Mary grabbed the keys to the safe and ran to a stockroom to hide. She hid under a storage shelf, curled in the fetal position and praying with all her might that God save her. Intending to rob the store, the men walked up and down each aisle looking for her then came into the stockroom where she hid. She saw them come so close to her location she could smell them. She saw the muzzle of the gun and the marks on it yet neither man saw her. It was as though she'd become invisible. Eventually the police arrived and Mary came out of her hiding position. To this day she's unsure how or why the men didn't see her because the storage shelf was somewhat open. She told me, "I just prayed to God." In the power of that prayer she'd rendered herself invisible.
So what do these experiences mean? It means that all of these people having these experiences were in an alignment and synchronous flow. Without any special powers or abilities they were able to affect powerful changes or effects in their lives. They all were in states of allowance such that their thinking, prayers, dreams or commands became manifest. They became one with the Divine Flow in the current in the stream.

To be in the New Normal is to be in a state of alignment and synchronicity with your life, the events in your life, your beliefs, your hopes, your Truths, your Being and with the Universal flow. Alignment means attunement in a frequency band - the ability to unite in harmony in a frequency. Synchronicty means a simultaneous coincidence of events that seem to be meaningfully related. The New Normal means that we consciously enter the states of alignment and synchronicity. Without resistance or fear, we affirm and know that we can easily and flowingly manifest the world we want to live in. Living in that space, in the frequency of the law of attraction, we affirm what we wish to see, to be, to hear or to do. And it gratefully returns in the fullness of abundant life. In that fullness we are one with form, in complete surrender and full union with Divine Presence. We're in the state of boundless harmony and love called The New Normal.
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