Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Autumnal Equinox - Peace Pole Ceremonies

~ Starsoundings Journals ~

The Autumnal Equinox Peace Pole Ceremonies

A month after the Prism of Light was activated on the summer Solstice, the four children who participated in that ceremony were asked if they could envision their future earth. Three months later they became anchors of the four Peace Poles as they proudly read their visions to almost 150 people gathered at Unity's labyrinth. They were joined by other children in proclaiming Peace on Earth, including the children from Unity's Sunday School program who created the large globe (on right) for the ceremony.

With magnificent white wings extended, Dr. Marguerite Barnett began the evening with a dance through the Labyrinth as Faerie Elaine sang a song of Peace. The 9 Prism Anchors then took positions inside the labyrinth, forming a Prism with lit candles as Dr. Barnett led the children in a snaking dance through the labyrinth as everyone sang along with Faerie Elaine. The children were then blessed by Rosa Cetlin one of two attendees from Brahma Kumaris World Peace organization. Laura Kiley also from Brahma Kumaris, softly played the flute as the Rosa's blessing was read aloud to the children.

Anchoring the South Peace Pole, Akaysiiyah Dunbar saw herself "in a field of soft grass with clean rain." She envisioned people "working less so they would have more time to feel peaceful - using less paper meant more trees and cleaner air."

Dylan Messina at the East Peace Pole envisioned "no wars between countries, no violence against other people and the end of cruelty." Dylan saw "a cleaner world without pollution where the air was crisp and we could drink from the waters." He had a greater vision, that "the world would always have whatever we needed to survive." A visionary reminder to all of us.

Ian Bowling anchored the West Peace Pole, which had been dedicated to the memory of Jerry Warlings who had befriended his younger sister when she was in Unity Sunday school classes. Ian envisioned "a world where everyone works together to get things done instead of fighting over things that we could do without - that instead of only looking at our differences we all see that we have alot in common." It was beautiful to watch Ian take an older brother role with the many children who joined the circle after the dedication.

The youngest in the group, 7 year old Emma Rose who anchored the North Peace Pole stood proudly next to her mother Theresa as she read Emma's vision. At the end of the reading, Emma's shyness gave way as she spoke into the microphone: "May Peace Prevail on Earth."

The children echoed that mantra throughout the ceremony as they danced through the labyrinth. They said, "May Peace Prevail in the United States" - "May Peace Prevail in Iraq" - May Peace Prevail in Burma, China, Iran, the Middle East, Afghanistan - identifying all the countries in conflict. At the end of the ceremony, Faerie Elaine led the group in singing Imagine followed by the chorus to John Lennon's other Peace Song - "All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance."

Ceremonies began that Sunday morning at Rising Tide where Shahabuddin led about 50 people in Universal Worship. Universal Worship affirms respect and tolerance for the religions of the east and the west, the known and unknown and recognizes the oneness in all by lighting a long white candle to each of the major religions. At the end of the service, the group moved outside where the nine lit candles from the Universal Worship service were placed in the heart shaped base of the Peace Pole.

At Shrine of the Master, Reverends Tom Newman, Tim Dudley and Sharon Elizabeth James dedicated their Peace Pole at noon right after the Sunday morning service. The World Peace Prayer was read by by Reverend Tom followed by the song, Let There Be Peace On Earth. Then Reverend Sharon Elizabeth led the group of 50 attendees in chanting the Ah-Ma universal sound of Love and Mother.

On Monday another 50 joined in ceremony at Warm Mineral Springs, the southernmost point of the Prism, to dedicate North Port's first Peace Pole. Ed Ullman owner of the Springs spoke with pride that the Springs was chosen as a host site as Robin SanVicente unveiled the Peace Pole. Reverend Zan Butterfly Deerwoman led the gathering in affirming peace for the planet and all her inhabitants. The most uplifting and tear-filled part of this gathering was the reception from the eastern Europeans who were floating in the springs. They saw the gathering around the Peace Pole, and slowly one by one they came from the water and joined in the circle. As we passed the microphone around the group to proclaim "May Peace Prevail On Earth" each of the Europeans spoke the words in their mother language. We heard the words in Russian, Polish, Chinese, Spanish and Hungarian. We watched them place hands over their hearts as they spoke of Belarus, the Ukraine, Israel, Austria, Georgia and Darfur. A young woman stepped forward with a young baby on her hip and said in Spanish, May Peace Prevail on Earth.

These gatherings on Sunday and Monday touched all of us deeply in some way. In your own words, they are shared below:

Warm Mineral Springs: "It was about the people who came and shared their
vision and heart-felt desire for world peace. You could see it in their eyes glistening with tears and hear it in trembling voices and diverse accents. The people came out of the waters, old and young, in their swim suits, all shapes and sizes and from all over the world. "May Peace Prevail in Ukraine" said one. Then another woman asked for the mic, "May peace prevail in Israel" and another old woman, "May peace prevail in Hungry" a black man, "May peace prevail in Darfur", a woman still wet from the Springs said, "May peace prevail in Georgia," as others joined in May peace prevail -. On and on it went, everyday people stepping up and adding their voices and hearts to the universal call for peace. Then we all joined hands in what was to be a circle, but because a large tree stood in the way, the circle curved itself into the beautiful shape of a heart as we sang John Lennon's "Imagine" and the tears flowed." Patricia C.

"I was filled with infinite love. Our pole had "May Peace Prevail" in English, Spanish, Russian, and Navaho. When we were reading the Peace Pole and the language was Russian, a couple visiting the Springs joined the circle and read it to us in Russian. When the language was Spanish, a woman with her child came forth to read it to us in Spanish. When the language was Navaho, Robin shared that the Springs itself was saying May Peace Prevail." Anne D.

Unity: "I loved watching the children hold hands and move through the labyrinth with Dr. M. It was like watching the next generation take charge." Ann H.

"Akaysiiyah really appreciated being able to participate in the ceremony. I know it has helped her realize the impact she can actually have on the world." Mom Melissa D.

"Last nights Equinox Ceremony was wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!! Thank you and all who participated. We are so blessed with the time and talent we have in this community! We took a thought, made it into a dream, and then turned that into a reality of greatness which was shared with so many here locally and in the whole world." Barbara S.

"What a beautiful evening - I'm most positive this is only the beginning of Unity's grounds being used for more programs of this nature to enhance the spiritual growth in our entire area. Thank you." Linda W.

The Peace Poles: "I am so proud to be part of the whole process of the Peace Poles. It's a physical representation of individuals joining together to honor universal love." Linda Wm.

Ceremony: "This was one of the most moving ceremonies that I have ever been to. The energy was amazing and felt so peaceful." Alcy N.

Thank you from my heart to yours and sweet love and appreciation to all who came, supported the vision, embraced Peace, and anchored it our area.

A website was created to share so many of the photos taken last Sunday. Thank you to Jack Ryan, Rose Lettiere and all the photographers who contributed their photos. If you'd like to see more of the ceremonies, the children, and yourselves, check out the website. There are over 350 great photos uploaded to date. You can order prints directly from Shutterfly if you wish on this link:

Until the next time,
May peace prevail on earth and may it begin with me!

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