took an intensive eastern seminar on Reincarnation in the Fall of last
year. But the introspection it caused at a family reunion a few months
later was unexpected. Reincarnation is the belief that after the death
of the body, the soul comes back (or incarnates) into another body or
form. It's a key tenet in many Eastern religions like Buddhism,
Hinduism, Jain, and Druze. Though Christianity disdains the concept,
Jesus, who studied these teachings in the Far East said, "If you are
willing to accept it, he (John the Baptist) is Elijah who is to come."
Now, in the last fifty years or so reincarnation has become part of the
mass consciousness.
whether or not you subscribe to the notion of reincarnation isn't
important, because what I experienced recently at our family reunion in
the West Indies certainly shined light upon the idea of the continuity
of Life. And within that continuity, was the passing forward of ideals
along with genetic materials. It makes one ponder if such things as
ideas, beliefs and yes, soul preferences, might also be handed down
through the DNA along with facial traits, hair color and height. And it
makes me wonder at how close my connection still is with ancestors who
have long ago passed to the other side even as I formed new bonds with
the youngest children of my extended family who are just setting out on
their soul's journey in life.

It began for me as soon as the plane arrived on the island. Leaving customs, a familiar face on the sidewalk outside beamed at me in welcome. I stopped mid-stride because the face belonged to my close cousin Frankie. Except Frankie had died in 2007. With brain cells racing to clarify the impression I watched the family resemblance morph into the face of Brian, Frankie's younger brother. It was not to be the last encounter with long departed relatives.
The esoteric reincarnation seminar taught that life "over there" is not separate from

When we journey into incarnation we do not journey alone, but rather pick up the vibrations and packets of the family relationships. The familial connection is held intact in soul groups by using the DNA of the family tree to anchor the relationship connections. So, seeing resemblances in multi-generational descendants of family members is not unusual. Rather, its proof of how group souls continue to incarnate in families. But, as each generation processes the energy packets of information and live out the karmic purposes of the group, the family tree begins to branch out from its origins. And as karmic lessons are learned, different packets will then be

families gather for events like a reunion, it's more likely that
well-known ancestors, or those recently departed, will make an
appearance in one way or another. All of us who knew my grandfather on
the island saw him "reborn" in the image of his twenty-first grandchild.
We all remarked that Michael not only was the image of our grandfather
in stature and mannerism but also carried a strong resemblance to our
great-grandmother. The reincarnation seminar taught that the heredity
of physical attributes are more easily passed on, and if the grandparent
had strong qualities they would more readily appear in a daughter or
grandson than in a son. This turned out to be accurate because my
grandfather had eight daughters and one son. Each daughter inherited
his strength, confidence, steadfastness, creativity, passion for
learning and business acumen. In grandson Michael's case those
grandfather qualities helped him conquer difficulties in life and be
successful in his own family business.
heredity plays an important part in the family tree, the veils between
the dimensions thin out during significant family gatherings. My mother
who grew up on
Antigua always called it "home." She learned to body-surf as a child
at the sometimes treacherous Half Moon Bay, her favorite place on the
island. It was also the place the family always met on Sundays. During
the reunion it was one of the spots selected for a day-long picnic
and swim. I watched my seventy-six year old aunt, the youngest of the
eight girls, go out to the towering waves and body surf with her nephews
"one last time." Though tossed around by the pounding surf, she gamely
took the swells for about twenty minutes. She said it was like surfing
with her sisters in the 1940's and 50's.

early the following morning while it was still dark outside, I recapped
the day at Half Moon Bay and commented how much my mother would have
loved to be there. At that instant, two of us witnessed the bathroom
door which had been closed all night, open up slowly revealing a ray of
light across the hallway floor. After the chills up and down my arms
eased I simply said, "Hi mom!" knowing beyond a doubt it was she. It
was one of the unusual happenings with the ancestors that many
experienced during the reunion.
reincarnation seminar said these occurrences would happen with
regularity, especially when emotional family events were taking place.
It was a way for spirits long departed to communicate with empathic
family members still living, sending a message that life continues
beyond the grave. Some cousins had an affinity for repeat numbers like
11:11 or 12:12 or 3:33. They may have been sharing a story
about their deceased parent and suddenly note that the clock face said 3:33 or 12:12.

stories by themselves and the unusual experiences do not prove
reincarnation but they do reveal a continuity of life and a strong
connection within families. When we held a ceremony at the family grave
site, unveiling a new headstone marker, it gave all of us pause when a
mourning dove, the family's "bird totem," appeared in a tree overhead
cooing its mournful sounds. When grandchildren who did not know the
ancestors began to cry quietly, a nerve was struck. To all of us
present on that January morning, the family members long departed still
held silent vigils watching all of us still in human form. We are their
continuity of life.
Jo Mooy - February 2013
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